I feel honored to serve as a student officer at this year's ZYGMUN conference. Let me start off by introducing myself. I am a 16 year old American-Polish junior at the American School of Warsaw. Just a few of my hobbies include playing basketball, listening to music, reading and watching true crime documentaries, and hanging out with my friends.
This is my first year doing MUN, in the beginning I was nervous and unsure of how to participate in MUN. But over time I got the hang of it, and MUN has become one of my favorite activities.
As the president of the Human Rights Council (JC) my goal is to share my interest and passion for Human rights with you. As well offer my help and advice to any individual in my committee to help them become the best delegate they can be. I truly believe that participating in conferences is the best way to share and hear each other's ideas.
One of the topics we will be discussing at this conference is “Human rights violations in Myanmar”. This is a crucial topic to discuss since thousands of lives are being changed due to this civil war.
I look forward to working and meeting all of you this spring.
Best regards,
Sonia Spencer President of the Human Rights Council
Nil Payaslı
Işıkkent School
Dear Delegates,
It’s a great honor for me to serve as a president in the Human Rights Council committee. I am delighted to contribute to this year's ZYGMUN! I'd like to share a bit about myself: I'm currently studying at İşıkkent Schools as an 11th grader in the IB program. My interests include going out, discussing politics, and ice-skating as a hobby.
It has been three years since I started participating in MUN. I have attended 9 conferences, but this is my first year as a chair. Throughout my journey, MUN has been a significant source of inspiration in both my academic and social life, growing into a true passion of mine.
As the president of HRC, I assure you that I will do my utmost to help you. I believe conferences are the best platforms for engaging in constructive dialogue, and my goal is to create an atmosphere conducive to this. We will be debating on two very crucial agenda items at this conference. Everyone is welcome to share their ideas. I hope we all have an enriching time sharing our thoughts and debating beneficially.
Looking forward to a productive and memorable experience together.