Dayeon Choi American School of Warsaw Dear delegates,
It is with utmost pleasure that I welcome you to this year’s conference. I’m a junior at the American School of Warsaw. I have attended various conferences as a delegate, including ZYGMUN, ACMUN, JoMUN, and most recently, BERMUN, but this will be my first time serving as a president. MUN is an amazing opportunity not only to engage with significant global issues, but also to collaborate with other inspiring delegates from all around the world. Although it might be intimidating and overwhelming to some of you, I can assure you that it will be a worthwhile experience and by the end, all of you will gain so much that will develop you as a learner.
At this year’s conference, we will be addressing the sustainable development goal 17: Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. With that in mind, we will be debating on two prominent issues: finding durable solutions for refugees and the issue of global supply chain due to Covid-19, which are highly connected to this year’s conference theme. There are 26 million refugees worldwide, and although they are protected under international law, it is a heartbreaking, yet undeniable reality that the majority of the refugees are economically and socially excluded in society. Therefore, it is important that delegates look for durable solutions to support them. The second topic is extremely crucial that is relevant to present times. The Covid-19 pandemic has tremendously affected every aspect of our lives, and we cannot ignore its detrimental effects on the global supply chain. Hence, it is the delegates’ job to navigate this issue and come up with solutions of ramifications on the global supply chain. I encourage all the delegates to research both topics thoroughly beforehand for a fruitful debate and to make the most out of this amazing opportunity given.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the conference, working towards the aforementioned issues.
Sincerely, Dayeon Choi President of the Economic and Social Council
Lilianna Halmai International School of Florence Dearest Participants of ZYGMUN 2022,
This year is special in discussing sustainable development. The ECOSOC Committee is proud to welcome you with two relevant issues: finding durable solutions for refugees and discussing the recovery of the global supply chain after the global pandemic. My co-chair and I cannot wait to hear your country’s solutions to such prominent topics.
This is my second year as an MUNer, meaning so far I have attended four conferences, at which I was proud to receive Best Delegate awards. For me, the joy in debate lies in representing extremely controversial viewpoints and supporting them with equally reliable and understandable evidence. My time as a chair will help me grow as a leader and hopefully encounter strong voices with room for debate.
Coming from a country –Hungary– which was not the strongest at recovering from the coronavirus or aiding refugees, I find it extremely coherent to address such difficult conflicts. In sixteen years, I have lived in five countries and seen endless viewpoints and strategies to overcome socio-economic hurdles. I currently reside in Florence, Italy, where I continue my passion for Model United Nations by organizing my very own FloMUN as a Secretary General.
I am excited to meet you all and am eager to hear controversy and diplomacy in the upcoming conference. See you all in April!
Lilianna Halmai President of the Economic and Social Council
Molly Sheehan American School of Warsaw Dear delegates,
Welcome to V ZYGMUN and to the Economic and Social Council! It is truly an honor to be serving as one of the chairs for this committee.
I am currently a junior at the American School of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland and I’ve been participating in MUN conferences for the past year. I’ve attended conferences including BERMUN, ASMMUN, ACMUN and IV ZYGMUN, however this is my first time serving as a president of a council. MUN as a whole has opened me up to the world around me and has forced me to consider all of the different perspectives on world issues. At this year’s conference, I hope to encourage all of you to participate in debate and openly express your countries views on each of the topics at hand. I know that it may be intimidating at first, but I promise that it will be very worthwhile.
The topics that will be debated on in the Economic and Social Council are as follows: Topic 1: Finding durable solutions for refugees, and Topic 2: Mitigating the Effects of Disruptions in Global Supply Chains due to COVID-19. These two topics are highly important to this year’s conference theme: “Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development”. Both topics are very relevant and different, and I’m very excited to see what resolutions are formed and the debate that follows. I would like to reiterate that it is highly important for this year’s delegates of the ECOSOC to come prepared to the conference in order to pursue a fruitful discussion on the topics at hand. Being knowledgeable on said topics will make debate a lot easier and ultimately more fun. ZYGMUN is a great opportunity to practice your debating skills and gain experience in different aspects of MUN.
I’m so excited to meet you all in the upcoming days of the conference, and can’t wait to see what you all have in store!
Molly Sheehan President of the Economic and Social Council